Briefing: RoboVault takes storing valuables seriously with WES.

Westfalia’s Savanna.NET®  Warehouse Execution System (WES) and automation technology position RoboVault as the premier high-tech, ultra-secure private storage facility.

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RoboVault - Building a Foundation on Automation


When RoboVault was founded, the Fort Lauderdale area was experiencing escalating land prices, strict zoning requirements and short supply of urban land which presented RoboVault with limited building options.  RoboVault saw that an automated, multi-story facility would be both cost effective and help the newly formed company achieve the highest level of security. 


RoboVault commissioned Westfalia Technologies, Inc., to develop a state-of-the-art automated storage facility.  Westfalia worked with RoboVault to design and build a 155,000 square-foot facility to securely store more than 450 containers in a museum-quality, climate-controlled, ultra-secure environment.  While Westfalia’s Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS) moves and retrieves clients’ items with a robotic crane, Westfalia’s Warehouse Execution System (WES), Savanna.NET®, controls, manages and tracks all material flow and facility operations. Built utilizing Microsoft C# and .NET technology, Savanna.NET® offers RoboVault real-time visibility into its inventory from an easy-to-use, configurable interface.  Savanna.NET® also integrates with RoboVault’s security system and front-office operations, including client information, credit card approval, keypads/biometric human machine interface screens, video monitoring, motion sensing, and heat detection to authenticate each client and ensure the security of their belongings.

“Without Westfalia, we wouldn’t be in business. We built our business around the company’s technology, and have established a very close partnership with the Westfalia team. We have experienced nothing but stellar responsiveness and support.” Susan McGregor, general manager, RoboVault

System Features:

  • Technology:

    • Savanna.NET ® Warehouse Execution System
    • Storage/Retrieval Machine (S/RM) to handle 16,000 pounds
    • Turntable conveyors to rotate storage modules 180 degrees, as needed, with weigh scales.
  • Size:

    • 155,000 square foot facility
    • Each container can be subdivided to meet individual storage needs in 5 ft. increments (5’x5’, 5’x10’, 10’x10’, 15’x10’ and 20’ x 10’)
    • Additionally, a 10ft. x 20 ft. pallet is available for handling vehicles
  • Capacity:

    • 155,000 square foot facility
    • 539 storage modules
    • Maximum load 16,000 pounds
    • 5 levels high
    • 7 display stations/ client access points 

System Benefits:

  • With Westfalia’s Savanna.NET® WES controlling the AS/RS, RoboVault is able to service hundreds of domestic and international clients and monitor, track and account for all items within the facility.
  •  The WES and AS/RS combination allows the facility to optimize space utilization, thus allowing RoboVault to maximize the value of its investment by minimizing overall operating costs, including labor requirements, parking requirements and power consumption.

Our Mission: To deliver unparalleled warehousing solutions by earning the trust of our customers, understanding their business needs and honoring the commitments we make.