Warehouse Control System from Savanna.NET®

An effective WCS provides functionality allowing operators to optimize their application and material handling investment while improving the efficiency of their operations.

The Savanna.NET® WES (Warehouse Execution System) includes warehouse control system (WCS) functions that directly control the real-time activities of automated material handling equipment, such as equipment control and storage optimization for product retrieval. Warehouse automation requires WCS functionality; without automation, there is no need for a WCS.

A Flexible, Customizable and Scalable Automated Warehouse System

The Savanna.NET® WES allows users to enable or disable the WCS functions as needed. This approach allows companies to implement an integrated WMS and WCS solution, while only using the functionality needed at the time.  As automation is introduced, the WCS functionality can be enabled, thus saving time, training and other costs associated with buying a new system.

Automation Management

Savanna.NET® eliminates the need for a WMS-WCS interface with its integrated system. This two-in-one method utilizes a single system to perform the tasks of both a WMS and a WCS, simplifying communication and controls exchanges by eliminating the need for duplicated data or controls. Examples of this control include, but are not limited to:

  • PLCs (conveyor, robotic, S/RM, etc.) — The WCS communicates instructions to the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), which in turn send instructions for machines to move, store or retrieve product.
  • Printers — The WCS integrates with printers, sending information for barcode labels and shipping labels. The systems work together to print the labels based on certain cues from the WCS and PLCs.
  • Barcode Readers/Scanners — Barcode readers and scanners are configured for a particular barcode format. Operators scan the barcode to enter the pallet/order into the system or locate product.

Management and visibility of every automated device in the system interfaced with Savanna.NET®, as well as their current states and real-time state information about devices, are quickly and easily retrieved from the warehouse control system. Information regarding the current state of each piece of equipment, as well as activities within the system, allow the operator to quickly analyze any problematic areas and provides a method for fault recovery utilizing the Westfalia System Monitoring and Reporting Toolset (S.M.A.R.T.) product suite.


Our comprehensive warehouse automation control system manages not only the complex activities reviewed above but also routine, repetitive activities that nevertheless have a strong impact on the overall efficiency of any warehousing operation. The Savanna.NET® WCS includes a nimble scheduler function, typically used by our customers in these ways.

  • Service to schedule events to occur within the system
  • Primarily used to schedule routine maintenance tasks such as cleaning data tables and moving data to a history (archiving) database
  • Other routine events, such as re-warehousing, may also be organized and controlled via this tool

Warehouse Control System Benefits

The Savanna.NET® WCS helps warehousing operations maximize their assets in three critical areas.

  • Equipment control. The useful life of your material handling equipment is extended when it is efficiently deployed and meticulously maintained. Our WCS manages routine maintenance tasks that can be lost in the shuffle when managed manually, identifies equipment malfunctions in real time, and schedules retrieval and other movements efficiently, reducing unnecessary wear and tear.
  • Storage optimization. The WCS is flexible and robust enough to calculate space optimization for virtually any warehouse storage configuration and ceiling height. By maximizing space utilization, warehousing operations eliminate or delay the need to expand the facility or lease space in a separate location — both options are costly and disruptive to operational efficiency.
  • Product retrieval. Order picking, when executed without automation, becomes progressively less efficient as business volume grows. If your business has reached a level of fulfillment activity that has surpassed your ability to keep up with it — or if sustained growth is part of your business plan — then now is the time to investigate the Savanna.NET WCS. Warehouse automation brings high efficiency to the retrieval process, speeding order picking and reducing the possibility of packing and shipping errors. Increased picking speed directly improves the bottom line; reducing errors has a substantial impact by increasing customer satisfaction and retention, as well as reducing backorders and product returns.

Contact us for more information about warehouse automation for your operation

Our automated warehouse system will increase your efficiency, and in the end, help you provide superior service to your customers. If you would like to talk to one of our technical specialists about bringing a new level of warehouse automation to your business, please contact us now.

Our Mission: To deliver unparalleled warehousing solutions by earning the trust of our customers, understanding their business needs and honoring the commitments we make.